Motivational Speaking
Everyone has doubts. But if you find a way to believe in yourself, anything is possible. Fiona Quinn is an expert at shifting her mindset and building self resilience in challenging situtations, having faced her fear of the sea to paddleboard 800 miles the length of Britain, crossing the Irish Sea twice and battling past whirlpools en route.
Fiona was a shy, awkward young adult and it was only through embracing being an ameteur and throwing herself into challenging situations that she developed her sense of possibility. She knows that embracing your fears and finding a way to believe in yourself is the only way to step over the start line on a daunting new project. As a result, she is now a recording-setting adventurer, published author, sucessfull entrepreneur and motivational speaker on self belief and shifting mindset.
Fiona offers a unique perspective on creating success by inviting you to lean into your own approach. She bucks the assumption that you need to ‘be the best’ to succeed and praises the creativity and fresh perspective that not being an expert affords you. Her experiences are relateable, no matter what challenges you face at any level of your career.
Through her experiences and life lessons, Fiona’s talks can help your team:
find self belief throughout a project
face your fears to boldly cross the start line
develop strategies to change your perspective
discover opportunities in a sustainable future
Fiona has helped numerous business build the self belief to take on new challenges and shift their mindset. Do you want your team to benefit too?
“Fiona connects with the audience - her humor and matter-of-fact delivery make her extraordinary achievements relatable. Her particular strength is connecting to the audience through Q&As - I’ve never seen her unable to give a compelling, well-thought out and insightful answer!”
- Henry Blanchard, Uganda Marathon Launch
World Records:
First woman to SUP across the Irish Sea
First person to iSUP Lands End to John O’Groats
First woman to complete a length of Britain triathlon
Walked 993 miles - Cycled 1,200 miles - SUPed 800 miles
John MacGregor Award 2018 Winner
Get your team thinking differently
"Your talk was just great. Warm, personal and inspirational. You really opened our eyes to the possibilities offered by different lifestyle choices."
- Nick Rogers, Chair TEDx Kingston
"Fiona is hard not to like and admire (for more than just her 1st class cake-eating skills) whilst listening to the physical and emotional ups and downs of a trip across Blighty. I look forward to the next installment when she's back on her trusty 2-wheeled steed!"
- Anna, Tales of Adventure
“Fiona is never afraid of a new challenge. She’s always calm and considered, whilst being infectiously positive.”
- Rowan Edwards, Property Investor